driving miss robyn: searching for the meaning - confusingly <body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("gapi.iframes:gapi.iframes.style.bubble", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: 'https://www.blogger.com/navbar/31774133?origin\x3dhttp://missrobynbme.blogspot.com', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script>

a journey of self discovery. You just never know what we might see. Is that a fairy ring under that rowan tree? Look! - a hedgewitch, I wonder what she is brewing in her cauldron today. Oh, and look at that poor menopausal soul, she needs our love & understanding. We may take a stop at the creativity school or a wander through the garden. And maybe, we will take the time machine back to the past! But wherever we go, we will always take time to stop for tea.

My Photo
Location: Katoomba, NSW, Australia

here I am in a little cottage that evokes the energies of my ancestral lands - a cottage on the moors of Cornwall, or on the cliff tops of Ireland or Scotland. It has a hearth. I am a hedge witch {of sorts}. I wear upcycled clothes, patchouli oil and Redback boots. I am a gypsy; an eccentric and a mystic [I often live with a foot in two worlds]. I serve my guests, tea from an old silver teapot. I love Vervain, yarrow, chamomile & mint. Star watcher and Moon gazer. story cloth weaver. keeper of family dreams and wishes. good friend and creator of life. herbal tea drinker and potion maker.

"a friend is someone who knows all about you, and still likes you" my dear DAILY PARCELS

Thursday, September 07, 2006

searching for the meaning - confusingly

remember a few days ago I asked why do you blog? I have realized that sometimes I blog to get the voices out of my head and in writing. and as I do - I sort through stuff ~ so today is one of those days ~ . ~ . . .
I think. I think too much. sometimes I drive myself insane with my thoughts. and as usual, this morning I have been thinking - about life and the meaning.
why are we here? Don't ask me, I don't have a clue.
But I do know that I can sit and look at my vintage statue of Our Lady and feel a deep sense of comfort, of knowing and of all is as it should be. I can hold my rosary beads and find solace. I can flick through my 365 Goddess book by Patricia Telesco and find comfort in that too - an emotion that touches my deepest soul and know that this is true as well - it is connected to Mary and all is as it should be. I can read hedgewitchery spells & rituals and I know that I have done it before in times past, because deep in my soul - I feel that once I was a hedgewitch in past times. I have a deep knowing of herbal rituals - to perform a ritual with the moon or a spell using herbs & crystals, also brings comfort to my soul. To sit in my garden and feel as one with nature as though I am part of it, absorbed into it.
A knowledge deep in my soul of things I have never studied in this life - it all brings me comfort. why is that?
hedgewitchery; goddesses; spirituality, the belief of each and every culture - it all has to be connected. and why do I have a deep yearning to know what this thing we call life is all about? I know lots of people, just accept and get on with it. but not me, oh no - I question. Have done all my life, ever since I can remember. I have been told not to worry about working it all out - but if I stopped trying - something would be missing - I would feel frustrated. I have tried to be 'one' religion - but that never lasts - the questions all start again and the search is on once more.
maybe I am wrong in what I believe - maybe I am not - maybe we just die and that is it, maybe when we die ~ we go to another planet. Maybe what Kerry Packer said after he died and was resuscitated - there is nothing there.
who knows. is there a right or wrong?
But what I know is this: that this is my souls journey, not much I can do about it but enjoy this great adventure and oneday - I will know the truth.
now - isn't that post just so confusing? but at least it is out of my poor confused head.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh good, I found you! I thought you had gone away miss, and then I discovered you on Nic's blog :)

I am back from my sabbatical and a little more enthusiastic about things now.
BTW laughing my head off at the thought that you need "saving" (previous post) - I don't know anyone who needs that pushed upon them!

Much love xxx

10:32 am  
Blogger gma said...

Miss*R*...have you heard of Unity?
It's an organization that celebrates all the great teachers from Jesus to Buddah to Edgar Cayce and other spiritual masters. I have gone to some of their meetings, mainly to see excellent speakers such as Deepak Choprah. I am not a religious person, but this mutual respect for all religions is admirable to me.

11:30 am  
Blogger Daisy Lupin said...

I think that some of us have always searched for the mysterious and unknown. We were the children that talked and played with the fairies, that thought you could go through hidden door into a mysterious different world, that thought we could converse with animals and looked for the extraordinary in the ordinary. Perhaps we had 'imaginery friends' fairies, spirits who knows? but children see and know more about mysteries than us because they are accepting. If you are still in touch with your inner child as I know you and I are, we carry on finding wonder and asking difficult questions, and have deep memories, either collective memories in the Jungian manner or dna memories or maybe even past life memories. Look at it this way, better to be interested and seeking and doing your own thing than be a drone, how bored we would be, it's much more fun living in harmony with the natural cycles of the year and earth and letting rip to our artistic tendencies. Whoops going on a bit there wasn't I? Love and Hugs xx

11:48 am  
Blogger Shell said...

I think the same things, but it always comes down to this for me: that what is truly important is what I do in the here and now, the impact that I have on others lives, the legacy that I will leave behind when my body dies and my soul departs.

Lovely to read you again - been so busy. It's always a comfort for me to come and read you!

5:51 pm  
Blogger Rosa said...

Congrats Robyn on the auction. Good idea and look at all the help it will do. Rmember all you do for others. xoxo

9:45 pm  
Blogger Lisa said...

I don't think your post is confusing at all. At times I have killed that part of myself that questions all the time. With a sigh I would resign myself to not knowing, so therefore...why question? I have so wanted to be one of those people who know...who know what they believe to be so true that they would try to push it on others (though I never did), but in the end I just know that noone knows and I distrust anyone who says they know when they really mean that they believe and hope it's true. You are honest Robyn and I respect that so much more than I respect choosing a religion and sticking with it and refusing to confess any doubt.

One thing I love about my church (which is Presbyterian, of all things) is that there is room for expression of doubt and even disbelief. Crazy, huh? Our pastor confesses doubt from the pulpit! Some think it's wrong...as if his doubts somehow make him unfit to lead us, but I think it makes him all the more fit. In being honest with his doubts he helps me to take more seriously his beliefs and my own....and yours. My teen son and I discuss this alot. Neither of us can figure why people get so angry with those who seek the truth, rather than a man-developed set of rules and regs. What about the truth are they worried about? Ahhh well....I could go on and on and on (and have). I guess ultimately what I'm trying to say is, I hear ya and I think you're wonderful for exposing your questioning soul and mind and imagination. While it may bring out the worst in those who are frightened of it (because they are afraid you will make it harder for them to believe their thing) it helps those of us out here who have the same questions, or similar ones, but are afraid to voice them or don't know how.

Sorry, you always bring long comments out of me. LOL

11:14 pm  
Blogger kansasrose said...

You are reaching out to others and the world and there is nothing confusing about that...it is wonderful and what makes you the person you are. We are all connected and you realize this dear. It is a mystery that boggles the mind and heart. I love you and admire you for your questioning and searchings and seeking a higher understanding. You are deep. Never ever think this is wrong or wierd Robyn...you live well. (((hugs)))KR

11:26 pm  
Blogger Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Robyn,with all the things you described.....to me that means your heart and soul are open to all possibilities. To walk around with all knowledge sewn up in your pocket would be to never expand, never enlighten, never wonder and never learn more. You didn't come off confused at all, you are a seeker. We are all seeking, and as we bump in to one another on the path we at least know we aren't alone in this search - and perhaps, just by chance can impart to one another the things we've learned along the way.

2:09 am  
Blogger Sharon said...

You have questions as we all have but you seem to think them through more then others. I often wish just one time that one that has passed on would just give us a little clue about what it is like. I hope it is as beautiful as I think it is. Now I am confused.......Have a good day Robyn and happy wishes sent your way........

4:40 am  
Blogger vicci said...

Hi ms. r.....I love Mary....and I've beem learning how to MAKE a rosary using knots....it's cool! Thanks for your comments on my blog about the cemetery...wish you lived closer...we'd go cemetery exploring together!

7:12 am  
Blogger J C said...

Your post is not confusing at all. It's you...it came from within your soul, and its beautiful. And if you are confused, just keep on the road you are traveling, and you will find what you are looking for.

8:33 am  
Blogger A bird in the hand said...

No confusion at all. You're on a spiritual journey. I've asked the same questions, I still ask, learn, want to know. I believe there is more beyond this life.

Love, C.

9:30 am  
Blogger Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

What a journey! What a dream! What hope! And stirrings, the art of journalling through a blog! It is a soul's journey shared.

6:50 pm  
Blogger altermyworld said...

Miss R,
I understand exactly what you are saying/posting. Just remember this, this is YOUR journey, not mine, not hers, not his YOURS and you need to go where your heart and soul are telling you to go. I am sure you will find the knowledge you are seeking.
Gosh darn i am sorry i missed the choco swap WHY didn;t someone bonk me in the head?????


2:35 am  
Blogger Naturegirl said...

Robyn I can identify with voices in the mind..don't all creative people feel that way.To sit in your garden & feel one with nature ah yes I truly identify with that! Such is the mind of we analytical minds we are always searching for the answers! Your herb knowledge interests me much!

9:19 pm  

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