sunday scribblings

hmm - seeing as I don't really know who I am anyhow, this is a challenge. You see, I do struggle with just who I am - have done all my life. who am I ? is something I have asked myself from a very early age and I still ask.
or that could be one minute a 'normal' gal the next a hedgewitch.
I can still be true to myself, without worrying about what people think of me, or how people judge me or who likes me - yes, that is who I can still be - a strong woman who is true to herself. OR I can still be the flower child of the '60's - the long hair in two plaits, bangles on both arms, beads around my neck, long flowing white dress with leather sandles on my feet. peace signs. Bob Dylan. flowers and ban the bomb. incense & love. And I can still be the woman who loves rituals & spirituality & talks to angels, faeries & spirits.
You are who you are.....I use to worry about things like that too, but life is to darn do what you want to and be who you want I love Bob Dylan's songs.....a few years ago I wouldn't have told a soul that I love to watch Rockstar Supernova, and that my favorite singer on that show is Dilana...who dresses and looks adorable, and quite witchy.....and I know that will probably put me in a class called crazy, for a 65 year old granny.... but I figure enjoy what you like, and who the heck cares what other people think, as long as it doesn't hurt someones feelings, or them......
great perspective. how wonderful that you are who you are and that you are so comfortable in your own skin. I was there once and am trying to gain this exact perspective back.
What a great post.
I totally agree.
Be yourself!!!
You are great.
Good. Don't think any of us would want you to change. xoxo
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