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a journey of self discovery. You just never know what we might see. Is that a fairy ring under that rowan tree? Look! - a hedgewitch, I wonder what she is brewing in her cauldron today. Oh, and look at that poor menopausal soul, she needs our love & understanding. We may take a stop at the creativity school or a wander through the garden. And maybe, we will take the time machine back to the past! But wherever we go, we will always take time to stop for tea.

My Photo
Location: Katoomba, NSW, Australia

here I am in a little cottage that evokes the energies of my ancestral lands - a cottage on the moors of Cornwall, or on the cliff tops of Ireland or Scotland. It has a hearth. I am a hedge witch {of sorts}. I wear upcycled clothes, patchouli oil and Redback boots. I am a gypsy; an eccentric and a mystic [I often live with a foot in two worlds]. I serve my guests, tea from an old silver teapot. I love Vervain, yarrow, chamomile & mint. Star watcher and Moon gazer. story cloth weaver. keeper of family dreams and wishes. good friend and creator of life. herbal tea drinker and potion maker.

"a friend is someone who knows all about you, and still likes you" my dear DAILY PARCELS

Thursday, December 28, 2006

off on a new adventure!

I have started a new blog - goodness gracious miss*R!
~ going into 2007 I need to do what is right for me and after pondering the last few weeks, it means starting a new blog - with warts and all.
at first I was going to walk away from blogging altogether, but I love it. I love how I can be creative with the tap of a finger, how I can play with photos, words and other stuff.
then ~
I was going to keep my new blog private as
there are a few people out there who are reading my blog and taking it unto themselves to tell me what they think my problem is. They don't comment until one day a vein bursts in their head and they email me with vicious unkind words
but instead, I say this:
! ! if I receive one email pointing out my personality faults or saying I am on the road directly to hell - then I will out whoever sends the email - meaning their name will be in print on my new blog along with the nasty words that they felt they had to attack me with - or the personality faults that they thought I might need to know.
(just a few weeks ago, someone pointed out that I had low self esteem - thankyou for that)
I don't mind friends emailing me with advice or wisdom, I welcome it actually
- it helps me sometimes, putting a different perspective on my thoughts - sometimes your advice hits home - kind of like free advice or counselling. It is those who are silent that bother me, those who read, who voyeur, who suck my energy
and when they think I am down, they attack with words - like vipers.

I guess this sounds like I am some kind of prima donna blogger & I guess I will lose readers along the way- but I need to blog for ME until I develop that tough shell that my Nan told me that I needed way back when I was a little girl